Zorgbalans. De prestaties van de Nederlandse gezondheidszorg in 2004
Series / Report no.
RIVM Rapport 260602001 ,
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Zorgbalans. De prestaties van de Nederlandse
gezondheidszorg in 2004
Translated Title
Dutch Health Care Performance
Published in
Dit is de eerste Zorgbalans. Hierin worden de
kwaliteit, de toegankelijkheid en de kosten van de Nederlandse
gezondheidszorg in 2004 gepresenteerd. De Zorgbalans schetst een breed
beeld op basis van ongeveer 125 indicatoren. Waar mogelijk wordt dat gedaan
met behulp van tijdreeksen en internationale vergelijkingen. In opdracht
van het Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport brengt het RIVM de
Zorgbalans iedere twee jaar uit.
Nederland heeft anno 2004 een toegankelijk zorgsysteem. Wel zijn de kosten
van zorg tussen 2000 en 2004 sterk gestegen. In vergelijking met andere
landen in de Europese Unie, heeft Nederland wat betreft kostenontwikkeling
niet een sterk afwijkende positie: iets boven het EU-15 gemiddelde.
Internationaal gezien is de kwaliteit van zorg op meerdere onderdelen
bovengemiddeld. Wat betreft de effectiviteit van preventie en zorg,
patientveiligheid en ketenzorg is nog veel winst te
This is the first national report on the performance of the Dutch healthcare system. Its focus is on quality, accessibility and costs in 2004. The Zorgbalans presents a broad picture on the basis of about 125 indicators. Where possible, comparisons in time and between countries are presented. The Ministry of Health Care, Welfare and Sports has commissioned the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment to produce the Zorgbalans every two year. In the year 2004 Dutch health care is accessible. Between 2000 and 2004 the costs of care rose substantially, though. Still, the rise in costs is on a level with other EU countries; just above the EU-15 average. From an international perspective, the quality of care is in many respects above average. There is still much room for improvement in the effectiveness of prevention and care, patient safety and integrated care.
This is the first national report on the performance of the Dutch healthcare system. Its focus is on quality, accessibility and costs in 2004. The Zorgbalans presents a broad picture on the basis of about 125 indicators. Where possible, comparisons in time and between countries are presented. The Ministry of Health Care, Welfare and Sports has commissioned the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment to produce the Zorgbalans every two year. In the year 2004 Dutch health care is accessible. Between 2000 and 2004 the costs of care rose substantially, though. Still, the rise in costs is on a level with other EU countries; just above the EU-15 average. From an international perspective, the quality of care is in many respects above average. There is still much room for improvement in the effectiveness of prevention and care, patient safety and integrated care.
English translation: Report 260602002
Papieren versie verkrijgbaar bij Bohn Stafleu van Loghum
Papieren versie verkrijgbaar bij Bohn Stafleu van Loghum