Bacteriological detection of Salmonella in the presence of competitive micro-organisms (A collaborative study amongst the National Reference Laboratories for Salmonella)
Series / Report no.
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Bacteriological detection of Salmonella in the
presence of competitive micro-organisms (A collaborative study amongst the
National Reference Laboratories for Salmonella)
Translated Title
Bacteriologische detectie van Salmonella in
aanwezigheid van storingsflora (Een ringonderzoek met de Nationale
Referentie Laboratoria voor Salmonella)
Published in
Het Communautair Referentie Laboratorium voor
Salmonella heeft een tweede bacteriologisch ringonderzoek georganiseerd met
deelname van de Nationale Referentie Laboratoria voor Salmonella. Het
belangrijkste doel van dit onderzoek was verschillen tussen de NRLs in de
resultaten van Salmonella detectie in aanwezigheid van storingsflora te
evalueren. Hiervoor werden de ISO 6579 methode (voorgestelde
referentiemethode) en, facultatief, de eigen methode van een laboratorium
voor de Salmonella detectie in kippenfaeces gebruikt. Acht van de zeventien
laboratoria isoleerden Salmonella uit alle 30 positieve capsules met het
gebruik van de volledige ISO 6579 methode. Het aantal positieve isolaties
met het gebruik van seleniet/cystine als selectief ophopingsmedium was
gemiddeld significant lager vergeleken met het gebruik van
Rappaport-Vassiliadis. Vanwege het aantal positieve isolaties dat gevonden
werd met het gebruik van een aantal alternatieve media lijkt het zinvol in
een volgend ringonderzoek andere selectieve media te
A second bacteriological collaborative study in which the National Reference Laboratories (NRLs) for Salmonella participated was organized by the Community Reference Laboratory for Salmonella. The main objective of this study was to evaluate differences in results between the NRLs of detection of Salmonella in the presence of competitive micro-organisms. As method the ISO 6579 method (proposed reference method) and, optionally, the laboratory's own routine method for the detection of Salmonella in chicken faeces were used. Eight of the seventeen laboratories isolated Salmonella from all 30 positive capsules using the full ISO 6579 method. The number of positive isolations was on average significantly lower with selenite/cystine compared to Rappaport-Vassiliadis as selective enrichment medium. The number of positive isolations found with the use of some alternative media may make it worthwhile to test other selective media in a future collaborative study.
A second bacteriological collaborative study in which the National Reference Laboratories (NRLs) for Salmonella participated was organized by the Community Reference Laboratory for Salmonella. The main objective of this study was to evaluate differences in results between the NRLs of detection of Salmonella in the presence of competitive micro-organisms. As method the ISO 6579 method (proposed reference method) and, optionally, the laboratory's own routine method for the detection of Salmonella in chicken faeces were used. Eight of the seventeen laboratories isolated Salmonella from all 30 positive capsules using the full ISO 6579 method. The number of positive isolations was on average significantly lower with selenite/cystine compared to Rappaport-Vassiliadis as selective enrichment medium. The number of positive isolations found with the use of some alternative media may make it worthwhile to test other selective media in a future collaborative study.
EU/European Commission
Legislation Veterinaire et Zootechnique
Legislation Veterinaire et Zootechnique