Risicobeoordeling van GenX en PFOA in moestuingewassen in Helmond
Series / Report no.
RIVM rapport 2019-0024
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Risicobeoordeling van GenX en PFOA in moestuingewassen in Helmond
Translated Title
Risk assessment of GenX and PFOA in home-grown garden crops in Helmond
Published in
Mensen met een moestuin in de buurt van het bedrijf Custom Powders in Helmond kunnen veilig hun zelf geteelde groenten eten. Het bedrijf heeft in het verleden de stoffen GenX en PFOA uitgestoten waardoor deze via de lucht in het milieu zijn terechtgekomen. De zogeheten gezondheidskundige grenswaarden die voor de inname van GenX en PFOA gelden, worden niet overschreden. Dat blijkt uit onderzoek van het RIVM.
In dit onderzoek is berekend hoeveel GenX en PFOA mensen binnen kunnen krijgen als zij zelf geteelde groenten eten uit een moestuin 450 meter ten noordoosten van het bedrijf. Hiervoor zijn in de eerste helft van september 2018 in het volkstuinencomplex Sluisdijk 87 monsters genomen van meerdere groenten en aardappel. Bij de beoordeling van het risico is rekening gehouden met het feit dat mensen ook via ander voedsel, drinkwater, lucht en zwemwater aan de stoffen kunnen worden blootgesteld.
Bij de beoordeling is aangenomen dat mensen hun leven lang uitsluitend groenten uit hun eigen moestuin eten om onderschatting van het risico te voorkomen. De uitkomsten zijn daardoor waarschijnlijk hoger dan de werkelijke inname van GenX en PFOA bij moestuinhouders met een moestuin ten noordoosten van het bedrijf.
De onderzochte groenten zijn biet, boerenkool, komkommer, paprika, rabarber, sla, sperziebonen, tomaten, ui en wortel. Informatie over hoeveel en hoe vaak deze groenten en aardappel worden gegeten, is afkomstig uit de meest recente voedselconsumptiepeiling in Nederland van 2012-2016.
Persons with a vegetable garden near the company Custom Powders in Helmond can safely eat their home-grown vegetables. In the past, this company emitted the substances GenX and PFOA into the air. However, the health-based guidance values of GenX and PFOA for exposure were not exceeded. This is the finding of a study performed by RIVM. The study involved calculating the exposure to GenX and PFOA through the consumption of home-grown vegetables by persons with a vegetable garden 450 meter north-east from the company. In the first half of September 2018, 87 samples were taken of vegetables and potato, at the allotment Sluisdijk. When assessing the risk, the additional exposure to GenX and PFOA through other food, drinking water, air and swimming water was also considered. The risk was assessed assuming that the persons in question would eat exclusively home-grown vegetables every day throughout their life. The calculated exposure is therefore probably higher than the actual exposure to GenX and PFOA among the vegetable garden owners. The vegetables examined were beet root, carrot, cucumber, curly kale, green beans, lettuce, onion, rhubarb, (sweet) pepper and tomato. Information about the amount and frequency in which these vegetables and potato are consumed was obtained from the most recent Dutch food consumption survey of 2012-2016.
Persons with a vegetable garden near the company Custom Powders in Helmond can safely eat their home-grown vegetables. In the past, this company emitted the substances GenX and PFOA into the air. However, the health-based guidance values of GenX and PFOA for exposure were not exceeded. This is the finding of a study performed by RIVM. The study involved calculating the exposure to GenX and PFOA through the consumption of home-grown vegetables by persons with a vegetable garden 450 meter north-east from the company. In the first half of September 2018, 87 samples were taken of vegetables and potato, at the allotment Sluisdijk. When assessing the risk, the additional exposure to GenX and PFOA through other food, drinking water, air and swimming water was also considered. The risk was assessed assuming that the persons in question would eat exclusively home-grown vegetables every day throughout their life. The calculated exposure is therefore probably higher than the actual exposure to GenX and PFOA among the vegetable garden owners. The vegetables examined were beet root, carrot, cucumber, curly kale, green beans, lettuce, onion, rhubarb, (sweet) pepper and tomato. Information about the amount and frequency in which these vegetables and potato are consumed was obtained from the most recent Dutch food consumption survey of 2012-2016.
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu
Gemeente Helmond