Eet en drinkt Nederland volgens de Richtlijnen Schijf van Vijf? : Resultaten van de voedselconsumptiepeiling 2012-2016
Series / Report no.
RIVM rapport 2020-0082
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Eet en drinkt Nederland volgens de Richtlijnen Schijf van Vijf? : Resultaten van de voedselconsumptiepeiling 2012-2016
Translated Title
Do the Dutch eat and drink according to the Wheel of Five? : Results of the Dutch National Food consumption Survey 2012-2016
Published in
Het Nederlandse voorlichtingsmodel over voeding, de Schijf van Vijf, laat zien wat gezond eten inhoudt. Het gaat om een voedingspatroon dat genoeg energie en voedingsstoffen levert en mensen gezond houdt of gezonder maakt.
Het RIVM heeft gekeken in hoeverre het Nederlandse voedingspatroon tussen 2012 en 2016 overeenkomt met de aanbevelingen van de Schijf van Vijf. Daaruit blijkt dat veel Nederlanders minder dan de aanbevolen hoeveelheden van de producten in de Schijf van Vijf eten en drinken. Ook eten ze veel producten die buiten de Schijf van Vijf vallen, terwijl het Voedingscentrum adviseert om deze producten niet te veel en niet te vaak te eten. Jonge kinderen en ouderen eten vaker volgens de Richtlijnen Schijf van Vijf dan de andere leeftijdsgroepen. De resultaten van dit onderzoek laten zien dat in Nederlandend het voedingspatroon gezonder kan en geven handvaten voor de voorlichting over een gezond voedingspatroon.
Minder dan 10 procent van de Nederlanders eet de aanbevolen hoeveelheden groenten, peulvruchten, aardappelen en graanproducten, en smeer- en bereidingsvetten. Meer dan een derde van de Nederlanders eet voldoende brood en kaas, maar zij kiezen dan vooral voor soorten die weinig vezels, veel ongunstige vetten of veel zout bevatten. Als alleen naar de aanbevolen soorten wordt gekeken (zoals volkorenbrood en vetarme kaas), volgt ook minder dan 10 procent van de Nederlanders de richtlijnen voor deze productgroepen. Ongeveer twee derde deel van de Nederlanders eet meer vlees(producten) dan wordt aanbevolen en kiest daarbij voor de ongezondere vleessoorten, zoals vleeswaren, worst en hamburgers.
Een derde deel van de totale hoeveelheid die we eten en drinken staat niet in de Schijf van Vijf. Dit deel is minder gezond. Deze producten bevatten vaak veel calorieën en ongunstige voedingsstoffen. Zo krijgen we veel zout, suiker en ongunstige vetten binnen door hartige en zoete snacks te eten. Via dranken die buiten de Schijf vallen, krijgen we alcohol en veel suiker binnen.
The Dutch information model 'The Wheel of Five' shows what healthy eating entails. It is a diet that provides enough energy and nutrients and keeps people healthy or makes them healthier. RIVM has examined to what extent the Dutch diet between 2012 and 2016 corresponds to the recommendations of the Wheel of Five. This shows that many Dutch people eat and drink less than the recommended amounts of the products in the Wheel of Five. They also eat more products that that don't fit in the Wheel of Five, while the Nutrition Center advices to eat these products not too much and not too often. Young children and the elderly are more likely to follow the guidelines of the Wheel of Five than the other age groups. The results of this research show that the Dutch diet can be healthier and provide insights which can be incorporated into information about a healthy diet in the Netherlands. Less than 10% of the Dutch eat the recommended amounts of vegetables, legumes, potatoes and cereal products and fats and oils. More than a third of the Dutch eat enough bread and cheese, but they mainly choose varieties that are low in fiber, high in unfavorable fats or high in salt. If only the recommended types are considered (such as wholemeal bread and low-fat cheese), also less than 10% of the Dutch follow the guidelines for these product groups. About two thirds of the Dutch eat more meat (products) than is recommended, choosing the less healthy types of meat such as cold cuts, sausages and hamburgers. A third of the total amount that we eat and drink consists of products that are not recommended in the Wheel of Five. These products are therefore not 'necessary' and less healthy. They often contain a great many calories and unfavourable nutrients. As a result, we ingest a great deal of salt, sugar, and unfavourable fats by consuming savoury as well as sweet snacks. We also consume alcohol and a great deal of sugar via drinks that fall outside the Wheel of Five.
The Dutch information model 'The Wheel of Five' shows what healthy eating entails. It is a diet that provides enough energy and nutrients and keeps people healthy or makes them healthier. RIVM has examined to what extent the Dutch diet between 2012 and 2016 corresponds to the recommendations of the Wheel of Five. This shows that many Dutch people eat and drink less than the recommended amounts of the products in the Wheel of Five. They also eat more products that that don't fit in the Wheel of Five, while the Nutrition Center advices to eat these products not too much and not too often. Young children and the elderly are more likely to follow the guidelines of the Wheel of Five than the other age groups. The results of this research show that the Dutch diet can be healthier and provide insights which can be incorporated into information about a healthy diet in the Netherlands. Less than 10% of the Dutch eat the recommended amounts of vegetables, legumes, potatoes and cereal products and fats and oils. More than a third of the Dutch eat enough bread and cheese, but they mainly choose varieties that are low in fiber, high in unfavorable fats or high in salt. If only the recommended types are considered (such as wholemeal bread and low-fat cheese), also less than 10% of the Dutch follow the guidelines for these product groups. About two thirds of the Dutch eat more meat (products) than is recommended, choosing the less healthy types of meat such as cold cuts, sausages and hamburgers. A third of the total amount that we eat and drink consists of products that are not recommended in the Wheel of Five. These products are therefore not 'necessary' and less healthy. They often contain a great many calories and unfavourable nutrients. As a result, we ingest a great deal of salt, sugar, and unfavourable fats by consuming savoury as well as sweet snacks. We also consume alcohol and a great deal of sugar via drinks that fall outside the Wheel of Five.
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM
Ministerie van VWS