Indicatoren E-healthmonitor 2021-2023 en doelstellingen voor e-health
Series / Report no.
RIVM rapport 2021-0060
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Indicatoren E-healthmonitor 2021-2023 en doelstellingen voor e-health
Translated Title
2021-2023 E-health monitor indicators and e-health goals
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Het ministerie van VWS zoekt naar mogelijkheden om de zorg betaalbaar en toegankelijk te houden, en de kwaliteit te verbeteren.
E-health, oftewel digitale zorg op afstand, geeft daar mogelijkheden voor. Het ministerie van VWS wil weten in hoeverre de zorg tussen 2021 en 2023 digitaler wordt en welke effecten dat heeft op patiƫnten en zorgverleners.
E-health is heel divers en kan breed worden ingezet. Voorbeelden zijn consulten met huisartsen via videobellen, gezondheidsapps voor patiƫnten, en websites met informatie over medische zorg. Het RIVM ontwikkelt een monitor om de overgang van onderdelen van de zorg naar e-health met cijfers in kaart te kunnen brengen. Het RIVM doet dat samen met het Nivel en het National eHealth Living Lab (NeLL). De monitor geeft aan wie e-health gebruikt en waarvoor. Ook geeft hij aan waarom digitale hulpmiddelen wel of niet worden gebruikt en hoe het gebruik bevalt.
Voor de monitor hebben de drie organisaties nu uitgezocht welke gegevens nodig zijn om het gebruik van e-health in de zorg te kunnen meten, de zogeheten indicatoren. Een voorbeeld is in welke mate huisartsen e-health gebruiken, of in welke mate burgers een online afspraak maken bij een ziekenhuis. Daarnaast is beschreven welke indicatoren zijn gekozen, om welke meetgegevens het precies gaat en hoe gegevens kunnen worden verkregen. Sommige meetgegevens zijn ook in de vorige monitor tot en met 2019 verzameld. Op deze manier kunnen de ontwikkelingen door de jaren heen worden gevolgd.
Daarnaast hebben het RIVM, Nivel en NeLL op verzoek van het ministerie van VWS doelen voor e-health omschreven. Het gaat onder andere om een betere kwaliteit en organisatie van de zorg, meer eigen regie van de patiƫnt over de zorg, aandacht voor preventie, en ondersteuning van personeel in de zorg. De E-healthmonitor kan laten zien hoe deze doelen zich ontwikkelen.
The Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport is looking for ways to make care more affordable and accessible as well as to improve the quality of care. E-health, in other words health care delivered remotely via digital technologies, is one way of doing this. The Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport wishes to know to what extent healthcare will become more digital between 2021 and 2023 and what effect this will have on patients and care providers. E-health is very diverse and can be deployed across a broad range of services. Examples include consultations with general practitioners via video calls, health apps for patients, and websites with information on medical care. RIVM is developing a monitor to be able to track the transition of healthcare components to e-health with the help of facts and numbers. RIVM is doing this in collaboration with the Nivel and the National eHealth Living Lab (NeLL). The monitor identifies which parties are using e-health and for what purpose. It also indicates why digital resources are or are not being used and to what extent the users are satisfied with its use. Within the above context, the three collaborating organisations have now analysed which data is needed in order to be able to use e-health in the healthcare sector, the so-called indicators. Examples include to what degree general practitioners are actually using e-health, or to what degree citizens make online appointments with a hospital. In addition, the analysis describes which indicators have been selected, which specific measurement data are involved, and how data can be obtained. Some measurement data was also collected in the previous monitor up to and including 2019. Collecting this data makes it possible to follow developments in this area over the years. In addition, at the request of the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, RIVM, Nivel and NeLL have formulated goals for e-health. These goals include improving the quality and organisation of the healthcare sector, giving patients more of a say in their own care, an increased focus on prevention, and providing support to personnel in the healthcare sector. The E-health monitor can provide insight into how these goals are progressing.
The Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport is looking for ways to make care more affordable and accessible as well as to improve the quality of care. E-health, in other words health care delivered remotely via digital technologies, is one way of doing this. The Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport wishes to know to what extent healthcare will become more digital between 2021 and 2023 and what effect this will have on patients and care providers. E-health is very diverse and can be deployed across a broad range of services. Examples include consultations with general practitioners via video calls, health apps for patients, and websites with information on medical care. RIVM is developing a monitor to be able to track the transition of healthcare components to e-health with the help of facts and numbers. RIVM is doing this in collaboration with the Nivel and the National eHealth Living Lab (NeLL). The monitor identifies which parties are using e-health and for what purpose. It also indicates why digital resources are or are not being used and to what extent the users are satisfied with its use. Within the above context, the three collaborating organisations have now analysed which data is needed in order to be able to use e-health in the healthcare sector, the so-called indicators. Examples include to what degree general practitioners are actually using e-health, or to what degree citizens make online appointments with a hospital. In addition, the analysis describes which indicators have been selected, which specific measurement data are involved, and how data can be obtained. Some measurement data was also collected in the previous monitor up to and including 2019. Collecting this data makes it possible to follow developments in this area over the years. In addition, at the request of the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, RIVM, Nivel and NeLL have formulated goals for e-health. These goals include improving the quality and organisation of the healthcare sector, giving patients more of a say in their own care, an increased focus on prevention, and providing support to personnel in the healthcare sector. The E-health monitor can provide insight into how these goals are progressing.
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM
Ministerie van VWS