Landbouwpraktijk en waterkwaliteit op landbouwbedrijven aangemeld voor derogatie in 2019
Series / Report no.
RIVM rapport 2021-0057
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Landbouwpraktijk en waterkwaliteit op landbouwbedrijven aangemeld voor derogatie in 2019
Translated Title
Agricultural practices and water quality at farms registered for derogation in 2019
Published in
In Nederland mogen bepaalde agrarische bedrijven meer dierlijke mest, waar stikstof in zit, op hun land gebruiken dan de algemene norm van de Europese Nitraatrichtlijn voorschrijft. Zij moeten hiervoor wel aan specifieke voorwaarden voldoen. Deze verruiming heet derogatie. Het RIVM en Wageningen Economic Research meten elk jaar de gevolgen van de derogatie voor de waterkwaliteit op driehonderd bedrijven. Ook worden de ontwikkelingen sinds 2006 geanalyseerd, het jaar waarin de derogatie inging.
Uit de analyse blijkt dat de derogatie geen negatieve effecten heeft op de waterkwaliteit vanaf 2006. Wel heeft de droogte er in 2019 en 2020 negatieve effecten op gehad. Door de droogte groeiden onder andere de gewassen minder goed, waardoor zij minder stikstof opnamen. Hierdoor bleef er meer stikstof in de bodem achter en kwam er meer in het grondwater terecht.
In 2019 hebben derogatiebedrijven gemiddeld 230 kilogram stikstof uit dierlijke mest per hectare gebruikt. Dit wordt in kilogrammen stikstof aangegeven omdat het per diersoort verschilt hoeveel stikstof er in mest zit. Een derogatiebedrijf mag 230 of 250 kilogram stikstof per hectare uit graasdiermest gebruiken, afhankelijk van de bodemsoort en regio.
Door verbeteringen in de bedrijfsvoering wordt dierlijke mest efficiënter gebruikt om gewassen te laten groeien. Het ‘stikstofbodemoverschot’ is daardoor van 2006 tot en met 2017 gedaald. Dit betekent dat er in deze jaren minder stikstof beschikbaar is om als nitraat met regenwater weg te zakken naar diepere lagen in de bodem en uiteindelijk het grondwater. Na een stijging in 2018 door de droogte, was in 2019 het stikstofbodemoverschot het laagste van alle onderzochte jaren.
De gemiddelde nitraatconcentratie op derogatiebedrijven nam in 2019 en 2020 toe. Dit komt waarschijnlijk door de droogte. In het zuiden en oosten van de Zandregio steeg de concentratie in 2020 tot boven de EU-norm van 50 milligram per liter (63 milligram per liter). Als de hele onderzochte periode (2006-2020) wordt bekeken, is de concentratie in de hele Zandregio wel gedaald. In de Lössregio bleef de concentratie boven de norm, al is deze lager dan in 2018 (59 milligram per liter in 2019 versus 65 milligram per liter in 2018). In de Klei- en Veenregio daalde de nitraatconcentratie in 2020. In de Kleiregio is in de hele onderzochte periode de nitraatconcentratie gestegen, maar blijft deze steeds onder de norm.
De monitoring wordt uitgevoerd in opdracht van het ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit (LNV).
Dutch grassland farms that meet certain conditions may use more animal manure, which contains nitrogen, than the general limit as prescribed by the European Nitrates Directive. This partial exemption is referred to as ‘derogation’. The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and Wageningen Economic Research monitor the effects of this derogation on the water quality on 300 farms in the derogation monitoring network. This study shows the results for 2019 and the development from 2006 onwards. This study concludes that derogation has no negative effects on water quality. However the droughts have had adverse consequences for the water quality in 2019 and 2020. Drought led, amongst other things, to decreased crop growth, resulting in reduced nitrogen uptake. As a consequence, more nitrogen was left in the soil and ended up in the groundwater. Management On average, derogation farms have used 230 kilograms of nitrogen from animal manure per hectare in 2019. The permissible amount of nitrogen from animal manure varies from 230 to 250 kilograms per hectare, depending on the soil type and region. In recent years, improvements in management have resulted in more efficient use of nitrogen for crop production; the nitrogen surplus on the soil surface balance has dropped in the period from 2006 until 2017. This means that in those years less nitrogen, in the form of nitrate, was available to leach to lower soil depths and eventually into the groundwater. In 2019 the soil nitrogen surplus was, after an increase in 2018 because of the drought, the lowest of all the studied years. Groundwater quality The average nitrate concentration on derogations farms increased in 2019 and 2020. This is presumably because of the droughts. In the south and east of the Sand region the concentrations rose above the EU-standard of 50 milligram per litre (63 milligram per litre). If the entire investigated period (2006-2020) is taken into account, the concentrations in the entire Sand region still show a downward tendency. In the Loess region the concentration still exceeded the EU-standard, although it is still lower than in 2018 (59 milligram per litre in 2019 compared to 65 milligram per litre in 2018). Concentrations decreased in the Clay region and the Peat region. The nitrate concentration in the Clay region shows an upward tendency, but was consistently under the standard. The monitoring was commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature & Food Quality.
Dutch grassland farms that meet certain conditions may use more animal manure, which contains nitrogen, than the general limit as prescribed by the European Nitrates Directive. This partial exemption is referred to as ‘derogation’. The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and Wageningen Economic Research monitor the effects of this derogation on the water quality on 300 farms in the derogation monitoring network. This study shows the results for 2019 and the development from 2006 onwards. This study concludes that derogation has no negative effects on water quality. However the droughts have had adverse consequences for the water quality in 2019 and 2020. Drought led, amongst other things, to decreased crop growth, resulting in reduced nitrogen uptake. As a consequence, more nitrogen was left in the soil and ended up in the groundwater. Management On average, derogation farms have used 230 kilograms of nitrogen from animal manure per hectare in 2019. The permissible amount of nitrogen from animal manure varies from 230 to 250 kilograms per hectare, depending on the soil type and region. In recent years, improvements in management have resulted in more efficient use of nitrogen for crop production; the nitrogen surplus on the soil surface balance has dropped in the period from 2006 until 2017. This means that in those years less nitrogen, in the form of nitrate, was available to leach to lower soil depths and eventually into the groundwater. In 2019 the soil nitrogen surplus was, after an increase in 2018 because of the drought, the lowest of all the studied years. Groundwater quality The average nitrate concentration on derogations farms increased in 2019 and 2020. This is presumably because of the droughts. In the south and east of the Sand region the concentrations rose above the EU-standard of 50 milligram per litre (63 milligram per litre). If the entire investigated period (2006-2020) is taken into account, the concentrations in the entire Sand region still show a downward tendency. In the Loess region the concentration still exceeded the EU-standard, although it is still lower than in 2018 (59 milligram per litre in 2019 compared to 65 milligram per litre in 2018). Concentrations decreased in the Clay region and the Peat region. The nitrate concentration in the Clay region shows an upward tendency, but was consistently under the standard. The monitoring was commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature & Food Quality.
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM
Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit