Voortgangsrapportage Nationaal Preventieakkoord 2020
Series / Report no.
RIVM rapport 2021-0098
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Voortgangsrapportage Nationaal Preventieakkoord 2020
Translated Title
Progress report on the National Prevention Agreement 2020
Published in
Het Nationaal Preventieakkoord is in 2018 afgesloten om ervoor te zorgen dat er minder mensen roken, overgewicht hebben of problematisch drinken. Hiervoor zijn afspraken gemaakt met meer dan 70 partijen. Het RIVM evalueert elk jaar de voortgang van deze afspraken en of de gestelde doelen zijn gehaald.
Voor 2020 waren 39 doelen gesteld. Daarvan zijn er dertien gehaald, en twee net niet. Bijna de helft (18) van de doelen is nog niet gehaald. Zo zijn bijvoorbeeld hogere accijnzen op tabak ingevoerd, maar zijn kinderboerderijen en speeltuinen nog niet geheel rookvrij. Ook is het doel voor minder calorieën in A-merk frisdranken gehaald, maar sommige doelen voor minder calorieën in andere voedingsmiddelen nog niet. Voor scholen zijn inmiddels interventies voor alcoholpreventie beschikbaar, maar er zijn nog geen oplossingen voor de beïnvloeding van jongeren door alcoholreclames. Van zes doelen voor 2020 is er nog te weinig informatie om te bepalen of ze zijn gehaald.
Een deel van de partijen geeft aan dat de uitbraak van het coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 eraan heeft bijgedragen dat niet alle doelen voor 2020 zijn gehaald. Activiteiten konden niet doorgaan of zijn uitgesteld door bijvoorbeeld de maatregelen om contacten te beperken. Ook hadden bijvoorbeeld de zorg, de horeca en het onderwijs vanwege de coronapandemie regelmatig andere prioriteiten dan leefstijlpreventie.
Volgens schattingen van het RIVM uit 2018 is het mogelijk dat de afspraken van het Nationaal Preventieakkoord ertoe leiden dat de ambitie van minder dan vijf procent rokende volwassenen wordt behaald in 2040. Hieruit bleek ook dat er extra afspraken nodig zijn om te bereiken dat er in 2040 geen jongeren en zwangere vrouwen roken. Die zijn ook nodig om de ambities voor problematisch drinken of overgewicht in 2040 te halen. Het is nog niet duidelijk in welke mate de ambities van 2040 in de knel komen door de niet behaalde doelen in 2020. Het RIVM rekent in 2023 opnieuw door in hoeverre ambities van het Nationaal Preventieakkoord kunnen worden gehaald in 2040.
The National Prevention Agreement was agreed on in 2018 with the goal of ensuring that by 2040 fewer people would be smoking, be overweight, or be drinking problematically. Agreements have been made with more than 70 parties for this. Each year, RIVM evaluates the progress and whether the set targets have been met. A total of 39 targets were set for 2020. Of these, thirteen have been completely met and two almost. Almost half (18) of the targets have not been met. For example, higher duties have been imposed on tobacco, but petting zoos and playgrounds are not yet completely smoke-free. The target of having fewer calories in A-brands of soft drinks has been met, but the agreements regarding fewer calories in other food products have not yet all been met. Alcohol prevention activities do exist for schools, but no solution has yet been found for the influence exerted on young people by alcohol advertising. There is insufficient information for six of the targets to determine whether they have been met. Some of the parties indicate that the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic has contributed to the lack of success in meeting all the targets for 2020. Activities could not be organised or were postponed due, for example, to the measures aimed at contact prevention. In addition, the care sector, hospitality sector, and educational sector had other priorities than prevention due to the pandemic. According to prognoses made by RIVM in 2018, it is possible that less than five percent of adults will be smoking in 2040. According to these prognoses, additional agreements would be needed to ensure that in 2040 no young people and pregnant women would be smoking and to meet the goals for problematic drinking or overweight in 2040. What consequences the targets not being met in 2020 will have for the 2040 goals is not yet clear. In 2023, RIVM will make new prognoses of whether the goals of the National Prevention Agreement may be achieved in 2040.
The National Prevention Agreement was agreed on in 2018 with the goal of ensuring that by 2040 fewer people would be smoking, be overweight, or be drinking problematically. Agreements have been made with more than 70 parties for this. Each year, RIVM evaluates the progress and whether the set targets have been met. A total of 39 targets were set for 2020. Of these, thirteen have been completely met and two almost. Almost half (18) of the targets have not been met. For example, higher duties have been imposed on tobacco, but petting zoos and playgrounds are not yet completely smoke-free. The target of having fewer calories in A-brands of soft drinks has been met, but the agreements regarding fewer calories in other food products have not yet all been met. Alcohol prevention activities do exist for schools, but no solution has yet been found for the influence exerted on young people by alcohol advertising. There is insufficient information for six of the targets to determine whether they have been met. Some of the parties indicate that the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic has contributed to the lack of success in meeting all the targets for 2020. Activities could not be organised or were postponed due, for example, to the measures aimed at contact prevention. In addition, the care sector, hospitality sector, and educational sector had other priorities than prevention due to the pandemic. According to prognoses made by RIVM in 2018, it is possible that less than five percent of adults will be smoking in 2040. According to these prognoses, additional agreements would be needed to ensure that in 2040 no young people and pregnant women would be smoking and to meet the goals for problematic drinking or overweight in 2040. What consequences the targets not being met in 2020 will have for the 2040 goals is not yet clear. In 2023, RIVM will make new prognoses of whether the goals of the National Prevention Agreement may be achieved in 2040.
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM
Ministerie van VWS