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Mogelijke langetermijneffecten van elektromagnetische velden op de gezondheid van werknemers - update 2024
Translated Title
Possible long term effects of electromagnetic fields on workers' health - 2024 update
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In sommige situaties op de werkplek, zoals bij elektrisch lassen of radarinstallaties, kunnen sterke elektromagnetische velden ontstaan. De vraag is of dat op de lange termijn schadelijk is voor de gezondheid van werknemers. Op die vraag is nog geen eenduidig antwoord te geven op basis van wetenschappelijk onderzoek dat sinds 2019 is verschenen. Dit blijkt uit een update van een eerdere analyse van dit onderzoek door het RIVM. Ook met nieuw onderzoek erbij is geen verband bewezen tussen de langetermijnblootstelling van werknemers en het ontstaan van kanker, ziekten van het zenuwstelsel of andere ziekten. Wel zijn opnieuw aanwijzingen gevonden voor een verband tussen deze blootstelling en twee ziekten van het zenuwstelsel: ALS (amyotrofe laterale sclerose) en de ziekte van Alzheimer. Alleen is het bij ALS nog steeds niet duidelijk of de elektromagnetische velden de oorzaak zijn of andere factoren op de werkplek. Dat kunnen bijvoorbeeld blootstelling aan chemische stoffen of elektrische schokken zijn. Ook is meer onderzoek nodig om voor ALS en de ziekte van Alzheimer beter te bepalen bij welke blootstelling aan elektromagnetische velden ze kunnen ontstaan. Verder is er opnieuw geen verband gevonden voor de ziekte van Parkinson. Voor multiple sclerose (MS) is nog te weinig onderzoek gedaan naar het effect van elektromagnetische velden. Naar andere ziekten is nog te weinig onderzoek gedaan. Of de onderzoeken hiernaar zijn te inconsistent of te slecht uitgevoerd om er conclusies op te baseren. Het gaat om afwijkingen aan de voortplanting, de zintuigen, het afweersysteem, het bewegingsapparaat, hart- en vaatziekten, sterfte, slaapproblemen en ongevallen. De update is gedaan in opdracht van het ministerie van SZW. Het RIVM heeft vooral gekeken naar langetermijneffecten van situaties waarin de velden zwakker zijn dan de limieten in de Europese regelgeving. Deze langetermijneffecten zijn niet meegenomen in de wetgeving die werknemers in Nederland sinds 2016 beschermt, omdat er geen verband was aangetoond.
Some workplace situations, such as those involving electric welding or radar systems, may give rise to strong electromagnetic fields. The question is whether this can be harmful to workers' health in the long term. Scientific research published since 2019 has not yet provided a clear-cut answer. This is according to an update of a previous analysis of this research by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). Even when including the latest research, there is no proven link between long term exposure of workers and cancer, neurological diseases or other diseases. However, indications have again been found for a link between such exposure and two neurological diseases: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and Alzheimer's disease. For ALS, it is still unclear whether the disorder is caused by the electromagnetic fields or other factors present in the workplace, such as exposure to chemicals or electric shocks. Also, more research is needed for both ALS and Alzheimer's disease to better determine with what type of exposure to electromagnetic fields they could be associated. As in previous updates, no connection was found for Parkinson's disease. For multiple sclerosis, there has still been too little research into the effects of electromagnetic fields. For other diseases, there has been too little research, or the studies have been too inconsistent or poorly performed to draw any conclusions. These diseases concern abnormalities of the reproductive system, the senses, the immune system, the locomotor system, cardiovascular diseases, deaths, sleeping problems and accidents. This update was carried out at the request of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment. RIVM mainly looked at long term effects of situations in which the electromagnetic fields are weaker than the limits in European regulations. These long term effects were not included in the legislation that has protected workers in the Netherlands since 2016, since no link had been proven.
Some workplace situations, such as those involving electric welding or radar systems, may give rise to strong electromagnetic fields. The question is whether this can be harmful to workers' health in the long term. Scientific research published since 2019 has not yet provided a clear-cut answer. This is according to an update of a previous analysis of this research by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). Even when including the latest research, there is no proven link between long term exposure of workers and cancer, neurological diseases or other diseases. However, indications have again been found for a link between such exposure and two neurological diseases: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and Alzheimer's disease. For ALS, it is still unclear whether the disorder is caused by the electromagnetic fields or other factors present in the workplace, such as exposure to chemicals or electric shocks. Also, more research is needed for both ALS and Alzheimer's disease to better determine with what type of exposure to electromagnetic fields they could be associated. As in previous updates, no connection was found for Parkinson's disease. For multiple sclerosis, there has still been too little research into the effects of electromagnetic fields. For other diseases, there has been too little research, or the studies have been too inconsistent or poorly performed to draw any conclusions. These diseases concern abnormalities of the reproductive system, the senses, the immune system, the locomotor system, cardiovascular diseases, deaths, sleeping problems and accidents. This update was carried out at the request of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment. RIVM mainly looked at long term effects of situations in which the electromagnetic fields are weaker than the limits in European regulations. These long term effects were not included in the legislation that has protected workers in the Netherlands since 2016, since no link had been proven.
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM