COVID-19-vaccination. Evidence update for the Health Council of the Netherlands
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COVID-19-vaccination. Evidence update for the Health Council of the Netherlands
Translated Title
COVID-19-vaccinatie. Kennisupdate voor de Gezondheidsraad
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In 2024 kregen bepaalde groepen mensen in Nederland het advies om in het najaar een coronaprik te halen. Dat waren mensen vanaf 60 jaar en ouder, en mensen van 18 tot en met 59 jaar die elk jaar een uitnodiging voor de griepprik krijgen. Het advies gold ook voor kinderen en volwassenen die erg ziek kunnen worden door corona (bijvoorbeeld door een ernstige afweerstoornis) en voor zorgmedewerkers die direct contact hebben met kwetsbare patiënten. Sinds april 2024 geldt het advies niet meer voor zwangeren. De coronaprik werd aangeboden van 16 september tot en met 6 december 2024 (de najaarsronde). In 2025 gaat de Gezondheidsraad het ministerie van VWS opnieuw adviseren over de coronavaccinatie. Als voorbereiding daarop heeft het RIVM nieuwe gegevens over corona in Nederland verzameld. In dit 'basisdocument' staat onder andere hoeveel mensen de coronaprik tijdens de najaarsronde hebben gehaald, de mate waarin het virus in Nederland aanwezig was, het aantal ziekenhuisopnames en hoe goed de vaccinatie werkte. Tijdens de najaarsronde van 2024 zijn ruim 2,5 miljoen coronaprikken gehaald. De ziektelast van de Nederlandse bevolking door corona is de afgelopen jaren gedaald, maar is nog steeds hoger dan de ziektelast door griep. De ziektelast geeft het aantal jaren in goede gezondheid aan dat verloren is gegaan doordat mensen ziek waren of vroegtijdig zijn overleden door corona. In 2023 hadden mensen die ouder zijn dan 60 en baby's onder de zes maanden de grootste kans om met corona in het ziekenhuis terecht te komen. Het aantal ziekenhuisopnames was tijdens de perioden in 2024 dat veel mensen ziek waren, ongeveer de helft van het aantal tijdens de pieken in 2022 en 2023. In tegenstelling tot de jaarlijkse griepgolf, die meestal alleen in de winter voorkomt, leeft het aantal besmettingen met het coronavirus ook buiten de winterperiode op. De kans om na corona post-COVID te krijgen is nu kleiner dan in het begin van de pandemie (2020-2021). Vaccinatie en natuurlijk opgebouwde immuniteit tegen het virus lijken te hebben geholpen om de kans daarop te verkleinen. Ook veranderingen in varianten van het virus kunnen daaraan hebben bijgedragen.
In 2024, certain groups in the Netherlands were advised to get vaccinated against the coronavirus during the autumn. These groups included people aged 60 years and older, people aged 18-59 who are invited every year to get the seasonal flu vaccine, children and adults who could become very ill due to the coronavirus (for example due to severely impaired immunity) and healthcare workers who have direct contact with vulnerable patients. Since April 2024, the advice no longer applies to pregnant women. Vaccination against the coronavirus was available from 16 September until 6 December 2024 (autumn round). In 2025, the Health Council will again advise the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport on coronavirus vaccination. In preparation for this, the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) has collected the most recent information about the coronavirus in the Netherlands in this document. This includes, among other things, the number of people that got the coronavirus vaccine in the autumn round of 2024, the extent to which the coronavirus was present, information about hospital admissions and the protective effect of the coronavirus vaccine. During the autumn round of 2024, more than 2,5 million people were vaccinated against the coronavirus. The burden of disease among the Dutch population due to COVID-19 has declined in recent years, but it is still higher than the burden of disease due to influenza. The burden of disease indicates the number of years of good health lost due to illness or premature death due to COVID-19. In 2023, people aged 60 years and over and infants below 6 months of age had the highest risk of hospitalisation with a coronavirus infection. The number of hospital admissions during the periods in 2024 when many people were ill was about half the number during the peaks in 2022 and 2023. Unlike the annual flu wave, which usually occurs only during winter, the number of coronavirus infections goes up outside the winter period as well. The risk of developing post-COVID after COVID-19 is now smaller than at the beginning of the pandemic (2020-2021). Vaccination and natural immunity seem to have helped to reduce this risk. Changes in virus variants may also have contributed to this.
In 2024, certain groups in the Netherlands were advised to get vaccinated against the coronavirus during the autumn. These groups included people aged 60 years and older, people aged 18-59 who are invited every year to get the seasonal flu vaccine, children and adults who could become very ill due to the coronavirus (for example due to severely impaired immunity) and healthcare workers who have direct contact with vulnerable patients. Since April 2024, the advice no longer applies to pregnant women. Vaccination against the coronavirus was available from 16 September until 6 December 2024 (autumn round). In 2025, the Health Council will again advise the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport on coronavirus vaccination. In preparation for this, the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) has collected the most recent information about the coronavirus in the Netherlands in this document. This includes, among other things, the number of people that got the coronavirus vaccine in the autumn round of 2024, the extent to which the coronavirus was present, information about hospital admissions and the protective effect of the coronavirus vaccine. During the autumn round of 2024, more than 2,5 million people were vaccinated against the coronavirus. The burden of disease among the Dutch population due to COVID-19 has declined in recent years, but it is still higher than the burden of disease due to influenza. The burden of disease indicates the number of years of good health lost due to illness or premature death due to COVID-19. In 2023, people aged 60 years and over and infants below 6 months of age had the highest risk of hospitalisation with a coronavirus infection. The number of hospital admissions during the periods in 2024 when many people were ill was about half the number during the peaks in 2022 and 2023. Unlike the annual flu wave, which usually occurs only during winter, the number of coronavirus infections goes up outside the winter period as well. The risk of developing post-COVID after COVID-19 is now smaller than at the beginning of the pandemic (2020-2021). Vaccination and natural immunity seem to have helped to reduce this risk. Changes in virus variants may also have contributed to this.
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM