Naar een gezonde leefomgeving in een veranderend klimaat. Themaverkenning bij de Volksgezondheid Toekomst Verkenning 2024
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RIVM rapport 2024-0048
Open Access
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Naar een gezonde leefomgeving in een veranderend klimaat. Themaverkenning bij de Volksgezondheid Toekomst Verkenning 2024
Translated Title
Towards a healthy living environment in a changing climate. Theme issue of the Public Health Foresight study 2024
Published in
Onze leefomgeving zal de komende jaren ingrijpend veranderen door klimaatverandering en bevolkingsgroei. Er is ruimte nodig voor woningbouw en een energievoorziening zonder fossiele brandstof. Ook moet de inrichting van steden en platteland aan klimaatverandering worden aangepast. De uitdaging is om deze veranderingen zo te sturen, dat ze bijdragen aan de kwaliteit van de leefomgeving en de gezondheid van huidige en toekomstige generaties. De leefomgeving kan zowel een negatieve als positieve invloed hebben op gezondheid. Ongeveer 4,5 procent van het totale gezondheidsverlies komt door een ongezonde leefomgeving, vooral door luchtverontreiniging en geluid. In stedelijke gebieden en vlakbij grote industriegebieden en vliegvelden zijn meer mensen ziek dan gemiddeld in Nederland. Schonere lucht zal in de toekomst minder ziekte veroorzaken, maar klimaatverandering juist meer. Klimaatverandering zal meer hittegolven, droogte en extreme neerslag veroorzaken. Hittegolven en hoge temperaturen zorgen voor meer gezondheidsklachten, vooral bij ouderen, mensen met een chronische aandoening, zwangeren en (heel) jonge kinderen. De effecten zijn merkbaar in omgevingen met veel stenen en asfalt, en in slecht gekoelde woningen. Preventiebeleid, zoals het Nationaal Hitteplan, lijkt te werken: de sterfte door warmte is lager, nadat het plan is ingevoerd. Verder kunnen hogere temperaturen ervoor zorgen dat er andere infectieziekten in Nederland voorkomen. Bijvoorbeeld doordat muggen die infectieziekten overdragen, zoals knokkelkoorts, hier kunnen overleven. Het pollenseizoen begint eerder en duurt langer, waardoor mensen langer last kunnen hebben van hooikoorts. Door meer blootstelling aan uv-straling, door minder bewolking en meer zomerse dagen zullen waarschijnlijk meer mensen huidkanker krijgen. Klimaatverandering heeft ook gevolgen voor de kwaliteit en beschikbaarheid van drinkwater en voedsel. Meer mensen zullen mentale problemen en zorgen hebben door extreme weersgebeurtenissen, zoals overstromingen en hittegolven. Groepen in financiële bestaansonzekerheid lijden het meest onder klimaatverandering. Ze wonen vaker in wijken met meer luchtverontreiniging, verkeerslawaai, weinig groen en meer verstening en in woningen die slecht te koelen zijn. Maar klimaatmaatregelen bieden ook kansen om de leefomgeving en gezondheid te verbeteren. Zo is vergroening van wijken nodig om hittestress te voorkomen en regenwater op te vangen. Een groene omgeving is ook goed voor de gezondheid: het stimuleert bewegen, ontspannen en ontmoeten. Minder gebruik van fossiele brandstoffen zal de luchtkwaliteit verbeteren en daarmee ook de gezondheid. Vaker de fiets pakken in plaats van de auto of minder vlees en zuivel eten, zorgt voor minder uitstoot van broeikasgassen en is goed voor de gezondheid. Aandacht voor gezondheid bij klimaat- en ruimtelijk beleid is daarom essentieel.
In the coming years, our living environment will change drastically due to climate change and population growth. Space will be needed for building homes and an energy system without fossil fuels. Furthermore, the design of urban and rural environments must be adapted to climate change. The challenge is to manage these changes in such a way that they contribute to the quality of the living environment and the health of current and future generations. The living environment may affect health in both positive and negative ways. Around 4.5 per cent of total health loss is due to an unhealthy living environment, with the main causes being air pollution and noise. In urban areas and near large industrial estates and airports, more people suffer from ill health than on average in the Netherlands. In the future, cleaner air will lead to a decrease in ill health, but climate change will lead to an increase. This is because climate change will lead to more heatwaves, drought and extreme precipitation. Heatwaves and high temperatures are causing more health problems, particularly among the elderly, people with chronic conditions, pregnant women, infants and young children. The effects are already noticeable in areas with an abundance of bricks and asphalt, and in poorly cooled homes. Health prevention policies, such as the national heatwave plan, seem to be effective: the number of heat-related deaths has fallen since the introduction of the plan. Furthermore, high temperatures may lead to the introduction of new infectious diseases, for example because mosquitoes that carry infectious diseases - such as dengue fever - are better able to survive in the Netherlands. In addition, the pollen season is starting earlier and lasting longer, so that people who suffer from hay fever may feel the effects for a longer period of time. On top of that, increased exposure to UV radiation due to less cloud cover and more warm weather will likely result in more people contracting skin cancer. Climate change also has consequences for the quality and availability of drinking water and food. In addition, more people will experience mental ill health and anxiety related to extreme weather events, such as floods and heatwaves. The impacts of climate change will be greatest on groups lacking socioeconomic security. These often reside in neighbourhoods with more air pollution, traffic noise, lack of green spaces and more concrete, and in homes that are difficult to keep cool. On the other hand, measures to mitigate the effects of climate change also offer opportunities to improve the living environment and health. Among other things, creating green neighbourhoods is vital to prevent heat stress and to buffer rainwater. A green environment also has health benefits: it encourages people to engage in physical activity, relax and meet each other. Moreover, the reduced use of fossil fuels will improve air quality and thereby health. Taking the bike instead of the car more often, and eating fewer meat and dairy products, leads to reduced greenhouse gas emissions and has health benefits as well. In conclusion, it is essential to consider health when drafting climate and spatial planning policy.
In the coming years, our living environment will change drastically due to climate change and population growth. Space will be needed for building homes and an energy system without fossil fuels. Furthermore, the design of urban and rural environments must be adapted to climate change. The challenge is to manage these changes in such a way that they contribute to the quality of the living environment and the health of current and future generations. The living environment may affect health in both positive and negative ways. Around 4.5 per cent of total health loss is due to an unhealthy living environment, with the main causes being air pollution and noise. In urban areas and near large industrial estates and airports, more people suffer from ill health than on average in the Netherlands. In the future, cleaner air will lead to a decrease in ill health, but climate change will lead to an increase. This is because climate change will lead to more heatwaves, drought and extreme precipitation. Heatwaves and high temperatures are causing more health problems, particularly among the elderly, people with chronic conditions, pregnant women, infants and young children. The effects are already noticeable in areas with an abundance of bricks and asphalt, and in poorly cooled homes. Health prevention policies, such as the national heatwave plan, seem to be effective: the number of heat-related deaths has fallen since the introduction of the plan. Furthermore, high temperatures may lead to the introduction of new infectious diseases, for example because mosquitoes that carry infectious diseases - such as dengue fever - are better able to survive in the Netherlands. In addition, the pollen season is starting earlier and lasting longer, so that people who suffer from hay fever may feel the effects for a longer period of time. On top of that, increased exposure to UV radiation due to less cloud cover and more warm weather will likely result in more people contracting skin cancer. Climate change also has consequences for the quality and availability of drinking water and food. In addition, more people will experience mental ill health and anxiety related to extreme weather events, such as floods and heatwaves. The impacts of climate change will be greatest on groups lacking socioeconomic security. These often reside in neighbourhoods with more air pollution, traffic noise, lack of green spaces and more concrete, and in homes that are difficult to keep cool. On the other hand, measures to mitigate the effects of climate change also offer opportunities to improve the living environment and health. Among other things, creating green neighbourhoods is vital to prevent heat stress and to buffer rainwater. A green environment also has health benefits: it encourages people to engage in physical activity, relax and meet each other. Moreover, the reduced use of fossil fuels will improve air quality and thereby health. Taking the bike instead of the car more often, and eating fewer meat and dairy products, leads to reduced greenhouse gas emissions and has health benefits as well. In conclusion, it is essential to consider health when drafting climate and spatial planning policy.
Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu RIVM